I have written this blog to keep track of my experiences of my gap year. I started doing this with uf.danielblog.eu, and I have noticed that this is not only enjoyable to read back for myself, but also nice to share with others.
Since I did not know what master to choose at TU Delft, and didn’t want to continue this soon either, I decided to join a dreamteam for a year. If I am being honest, my first application letter was not to Solar Boat, even though that was the dreamteam I first thought about joining when I was snooping around the dreamhall with all kinds of dreamteams. However, my gut was telling me that a dreamteam with the size and ambition of Solar Boat would be a good choice for me, and looking back at it I certainly think I was right.
1. The beginningIt was very exciting to start with a project that I knew would take a whole year. The focus on the first weeks really was on getting to know the …
2. Short intermezzo: Tiny House!Besides putting most of my time in Solar Boat, I also helped my sister on some weekends with her ambitious project, building a tiny house on her own! With some …
3. Team activity and verhuis B.V. continuesDuring these months, the departments are decided and every engineer has got their task and role, it still consists of office work and researching/documentation. So it is nice to alternate …
Continue reading “3. Team activity and verhuis B.V. continues”
4. Leaving our cozy Scheikunde office and Team WeekendOur time at the temporary office of Scheikunde was very enjoyable, it was very spacious, had a lot of light coming in and even a balcony! Here I did a …
Continue reading “4. Leaving our cozy Scheikunde office and Team Weekend”
5. Ice skating and the start of ProductionThe weather turned so cold for such a long period that ice skating on lakes in the Netherlands got possible, an opportunity that should not be missed! Hydro Motion makes …
Continue reading “5. Ice skating and the start of Production”
6. TestingIf we thought at the production phase that it would be the busiest one, we were wrong. During testing, the most unpredictable things arose and could sometimes end up taking …
7. Monaco!The highly anticipated race was finally becoming a reality. The realization that racing in Monaco would not be cancelled as it was the year before us finally came. Everyone was …